Monday, January 27, 2020

Capital Shape Alphabet Encoding Based Text Steganography

Capital Shape Alphabet Encoding Based Text Steganography A Capital Shape Alphabet Encoding (CASE) Based Text Steganography Approach Abstract Steganography is the art and science of writing hidden messages in such a way that no one, apart from the sender and intended recipient, suspects the existence of the message. Steganography is a form of security through obscurity. Steganography algorithms uses cover media such as text, image, audio and video etc. to hide the data. User relies on change in the structure of these mediums and features of the target medium in such a manner as is not identifiable by human. In this paper we also present and evaluate my contribution to design the new approach for text Steganography and named it as CASE (Capital Alphabet Shape Encoding) approach. This approach is a combination of random character sequence and feature coding method. Keywords- Steganography; features; encoding; decoding; cover text. Steganography means conceal communication. It is derived from a work by Johannes Trithemus (1462-1516) titled Steganographia. The word Steganography comes from Greek and meaning of steganography is concealed writing. Steganography is used to transmit a message through some innocuous carrier i.e. text, image, audio or video over a communication channel in order to effectively conceal the existence of the message. Text steganography is a process to hide the secret information within text (i.e. character based) messages. Text steganography is the most difficult kind of steganography [1]. Text steganography is considered as difficult one is due to the lack of redundant information in a text file, while there is a lot of redundancy in a picture or a sound file, which can be used in steganography [1] [2]. For text steganography there are many methods available [3] [4]. Some method change format of text while some method change actual word to hide secret data. White space is used to hide secret data, in open space methods [5], while in syntactic method punctuations are used to hide secret data [5]. In acronyms method [2] and semantic method [4], actual word or phrase replacement is used to hide secret data. By using characteristics of that particular language data is hidden in Persian/Arabic Text steganography [4] and Hindi Text steganography [6]. If we use open space methods [6] or feature coding method [4] in text steganography, and if somehow format of file is changed then it results in data loss. In acronyms and semantic method, meaning of information can be changed because these methods use actual word replacement or punctuation to hide secret data. So a method is needed by which secret data survive after changing format of file and meaning of text will not changed. So considering some problems like format changing, changing meaning of secret data, etc. in existing text steganography methods; we have proposed new CASE approach for text steganography. We have used text features of English letters to hide secret data. Letters of English alphabet based on kind of round shape or curve, vertical and horizontal line are grouped in first approach. Like some letters in English language contains kind of close round shape or curve. Like some letters in English contains only one straight vertical line. In second approach, we are grouping numbers and symbols. In CASE categorization, based on different text features of English letters we categorize English letters into eight groups. We have studied the implementation some existing methods mentioned in paper [4] and we have compared these methods with proposed CASE approach. In the proposed CASE approach randomness is used but it aids to provide more security to secret information. For various existing method s and proposed CASE approach we have measured number of bytes hide, time overhead and memory overhead. Our results shows that, very less time overhead and memory overhead is required to implement proposed CASE approach compared to existing methods, and also we can hide more number of bytes using proposed approach. Required cover text size is also very small in proposed approach. In this approach, we introduce new encoding technique to hide the secret message in cover text. We will call this technique Capital Alphabet Shape Encoding (CASE). In this method every character of secrete message is encoded in the form of 8-bit binary number after that the equivalent ASCII character is replace the original character. In this the left most 0th bit will represent the alphabet group or digit/symbols group (0 value for alphabet set and 1 value for digit or symbols). In case of alphabet we made eight groups of English letters based on features of letters. While making group we consider only Capital letters of English alphabet. The left most 1st, 2nd, 3rd bit of 8 bit number represents the group number. The next 4th bit will represent the sentence case of letter. If it is 1, than it represents upper case letter and if its 0 than letter will be lower case letter. Table I, II, III shows eight bit encoding format of alphabets, digits and symbols. In this approach all alphabets are divided into groups and every alphabet has its position in corresponding group. This position will represent the last three bit of 8-bit number. By using this approach, we can hide all eight bits of one letter of secret message into one letter of cover text at a time. Table1. 8-Bit encoding format in case of alphabet 0th bit 1st bit 2nd bit 3rd bit 4th bit 5th bit 6th bit 7th bit Alphabet (0) Group no. Case Group position in alphabet Group. Table2. 8-Bit encoding format in case of digit 0th bit 1st bit 2nd bit 3rd bit 4th bit 5th bit 6th bit 7th bit digit (1) Group Position in Digit Group Always 0 Always 0 Always 0 Table3. 8-Bit encoding format in case of symbols 0th bit 1st bit 2nd bit 3rd bit 4th bit 5th bit 6th bit 7th bit Symbol (1) Always 0 Always 0 Always 0 Group Position in Symbol Group. As shown in Table1, in first group, we include neither those letters which have round shape or any curve and nor vertical and horizontal straight line. We can use any letter from this group to hide 000 bit. Candidates for this group are V, W, X, Y. In second group, we include those letters which have one or two vertical straight line. We can use any letter from this group to hide 001 bit. Candidates for this group are K, M and N. In the third group, we include those letters which have only one or more horizontal straight line. We can use any letter from this group to hide 010 bit. Candidates for this group are A and Z. In forth group, we include those letters which have both one and more than one straight vertical and horizontal line. We can use any letter from this group to hide 011 bit. Candidates for this group are E, F, H, I, L and T. In fifth group, we include those group, we include those letters which have only curve or round shape. We can use any letter from this group to hide 100bit. Candidates for this group are C, O, Q, S and U. In sixth group, we include those letters which have both curve and straight vertical line. We can use any letter from this group to hide 101bit. Candidates for this group are B, D, P and R. In seventh group, we include those letters which have curve and straight horizontal line. We can use any letter from this group to hide 110 bit. Candidate for this group is G. In last but not the least eighth group, we include those letters which have curve, and both straight vertical and horizontal line. We can use any letter from this group to hide 111 bit. Candidate for this group is J. For example if the secret letter is H then by using CASE approach it will be encoded as 00111010 and its ASCII equivalent is 58 which is given by :. After encoding, now letter : will be mixed up with the cover text. And this letter will hides all the 8 bits of original letter H into cover text. 2.1. Hiding the Message In the CASE text stenography approach, first we encode all the characters of the secret message with new proposed encoding technique which is based on the shape of the alphabet characters. Second we hide this message with the cover text by mixing it with the contents of cover text, i.e. first we encode the secret character and then we perform process of finding the ASCII equivalent of the 8-bit format of the secret character and hide it with the contents of cover text. To hide it or embed it with the cover text, we made a new technique. In this technique we encode the first three letter of the cover text by using CASE approach and then count the bits having value 1. This count value is the key value for hiding the data. After calculating the key value message is mixed up, one character of message comes after key number character of cover text and this process of embedding are repeated until whole message is hidden in the cover text. For implementation of CASE approach we develop two algorithms for hiding and retrieving which are implemented in JSP using NetBeans IDE. 3.1. Pseudo code for message hiding Procedure CASE_steno_hide (String msg, String covertext) begain; For i=0 to msg.length() ch=msg(i); encode_msg=encode_msg+char(encode(ch)); End For key_msg=covertext.substring(0,3); For i=0 to key_msg.length() ch=key_msg(i); en_key=en_key+encode(ch); End For keyarray []=en_key.toByteArray(); key=0; For i=0 to keyarray.length() IF keyarray[i] == 1 then key++; End IF End For IF key key=5; End IF For i=0,j=0 to i hidden_msg=hidden_msg+covertext.substring(i,i+k)+encode_msg(j); i=i+k+1; j++; End For return hidden_msg; End Procedure 3.2. Pseudo code for message retrive Procedure CASE_steno_unhide(String hidden_msg) begain key_msg=hidden_msg.substring(0,3); For i=0 to key_msg.length() ch=key_msg(i); en_key=en_key+encode(ch); End For keyarray []=en_key.toByteArray(); key=0; For i=0 to keyarray.length() IF keyarray[i] == 1 then key++; End IF End For IF key key=5; End IF For i=key to hidden_msg.length() encode_msg=encode_msg+hidden_msg(i); i=i+key; End For For i=0 to encode_msg.length() orignal_msg=orignal_msg+decode(encode_msg(i)); End For return orignal_msg; End Procedure Fig. 1: Numbers of bytes hide by particular method Fig. 2: Maximum cover text required to hide 200 bytes and 1000 bytes Fig. 3: Time and memory overhead of all methods. In this paper, we have proposed new approach for text-based steganography for English language texts. In this approach, we exploit the shapes of the English characters to hide secret bits. Based on our survey of the existing Text Steganography approaches, we show that our proposed approach can hide more number of bytes, it has very small cover text and required very less time overhead as compare to other techniques. Our analysis reveals that our approach imparts increased randomness in encoding because of which the same cannot be attacked easily. This approach is applicable to the soft-copy texts as well as hard-copy texts. In addition, the proposed approach is also immune to retyping and reformatting of text. However, one of the weaknesses of the proposed approach is that once known about their applicability, they can easily be attacked. Hence, it is essential to keep the application of a particular approach to a particular data set secret, while using them. 5. References M. Shirali-Shahreza, Text steganography by changing words spelling, In 10th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, Korea, 2008. M. Shirali-Shahreza, and M. 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Sunday, January 19, 2020

Comparing and Contrasting Machiavelli’s Ideas

Question: Two Word Count: 1000 Karl Marx and Niccolo Machiavelli are interested in two completely different forms of government. Yet both philosophers share many of the same key terms. They both understand the power and importance of deceit, and how it is gained. They also are equally opinionated when it comes to the subject of property and money. This essay will seek to explain, compare, and contrast Machiavelli’s ideas on power with Karl Marx’s ideas on Money. Marx believes that money has a misused transformative power in Bourgeois society, one which he argues, that we are currently subjected to.He claims that, â€Å"Money is the pimp between man’s need and the object, between his life and his means of life. But that which mediates my life for me, also mediates the existence of other people for me. † (page 136 Economic And Philosophic Manuscripts) Here he is saying that in this peculiar political economy, money is the only universal means of actualizing the needs and means of life for man. Money is so eminent and necessary that it not only mediates if or when your needs are meant, but it influences the way you see others and the way others see you.Marx goes on to say, â€Å"That which is for me through the medium of money-that for which I can pay†¦-that am I, the possessor of the money. † (page 137 Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts) Basically money has the unnatural effect of creating an authentic mirage of someone through its buying power. Marx goes on to list ways in which money can nullify natural deficiencies of a certain person, and thus contrary to human nature. Throughout the rest of the passage, [The Power of Money in Bourgeois Society], Marx cites similar examples that all lead to the conclusion that money â€Å"is the general confounding and compounding of all things. (page 140 Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts) That is to say, the ability of money to act on â€Å"all natural and human qualities† in two incompatible ways, that is compounding and confounding, is a bad things. It causes friction and complacency at the same time, which is unnatural. Marx wishes to rid us of the use of money and its effects in a Bourgeois Society because it is wholly unnatural, deceitful, and allows people to have disingenuous characteristics. Niccolo Machiavelli knows the importance of deceit to the ruling class too.Machiavelli says â€Å"It is not essential, then, that a Prince should have all the good qualities which I have enumerated above, but it is most essential that he should seem to have them,† (page 46 The Prince) because â€Å"men in general judge rather by the eye than the hand. † (page 47 The Prince) To Marx, money allows this type of transformative deception; however, to Machiavelli this ability seems to be more of a character trait. Machiavelli says this can be achieved by appearing to be the â€Å"embodiment of mercy, good faith, integrity, humanity, and religion. (page 47 The Prince) The first four characteristics, he says are the least important when compared to the last. Appearing religious is achievable by being complacent to the Catholic Church and wearing the â€Å"cloak of religion†, according to Machiavelli. This â€Å"cloak of religion† allows â€Å"pious cruelty†, and with his cloak a prince appears justified in his actions, no matter how cruel. (page 59 The Prince). Marx also knows the power of religion to quell the lower class, as the cliche goes, â€Å"Religion is the opium of the people. (Lecture Notes 3/6/13) Religion keeps the poor pacified because they are living for a better afterlife. They are also willing to blindly follow religious/political leaders in order not to obscure these chances. Both philosophers understand that money and religion can be deceptive. Machiavelli wishes to utilize this power in accord with dishonest characteristics to keep his subjects pacified. Marx wishes to point out this m ost unnatural power and free the Proletariat from its grasp.Niccolo Machiavelli also understands the power of money, when it comes to the conservation of power. Both political philosophers agree that the best government should not be rapacious. This perceived agreement is actually in stark contrast. Machiavelli believes that a prince should not, â€Å"burden his subjects with extraordinary taxes, and to resort to confiscations and all the other shifts whereby money is raised†, (page 41 The Prince) because rapacity â€Å"breeds hate as well as ignominy. (page 42 The Prince) To avoid this type of public condemnation Machiavelli proposes that a prince should be surreptitiously miserly and avoid â€Å"interfering with the property†¦ of his subjects, than in any other way. † (page 47 The Prince) Machiavelli is saying that the less a prince interferes with his subject’s money and property, the more likely his reign will succeed. As I have said, Karl Marx disagre es with Machiavelli’s ideas on what the best government should be restrictive of. In the first two measures of the Manifesto of theCommunist Party Frederick Engels and Marx state that one, â€Å"Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes†, and two, â€Å"A heavy progressive or graduated income tax†, (page 230 Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts) are key for a successful revolution of the Proletariat. These measures, along with the other eights purpose, is to rid society of class distinction. Marx wishes to rid society of private property, under the Bourgeoisie’s power, because it is the product of â€Å"class antagonism,† and the â€Å"realization† of â€Å"alienated labor† by an â€Å"alienated man. (page 81 Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts) The heavy progressive taxes would work to equalize all income. These measures set out by Marx may seem clutching, but they are only meant to restr ict the power of the Bourgeoisie. Marx’s perfect form of government would allow workers to keep the product of their labor, that is â€Å"the objectification of [their] labor†, instead of it being appropriated by the Bourgeoisie, which ultimately leads to the alienation of the laborer from the world, himself, and fellow man. Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts pages 71-72) So Marx’s communism is rapacious, but only in the interest of preventing unjust rapacity by the Bourgeoisie. Marx’s measures are in obvious conflict with Machiavelli because of the two philosopher’s preference and understanding of government. Machiavelli wishes to appease his subjects to a certain extent, whereas, Marx wants the subjugated proletariat to become a public power without political character. But they both do not want anybody grabbing, what they respectively perceive, as someone else’s.They also understand the power and importance of deceit, although they have somewhat different ideas on how it is achieved. Machiavelli and Marx comparatively are on the opposite side of the coin. Marx represents the suppressed proletariat and wishes to free them. Machiavelli is advising Princes on how to pacify his subjects. These differences are irreconcilable, but hopefully this paper has clearly explained each philosopher’s arguments and given a better idea of how they might be compared.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Management Theories Essay

Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations discusses the optimal organization of a pin factory; this becomes the most famous and influential statement of the economic rationale of the factory system and the division of labor. Major works of Adam Smith The Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759) An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776) Essays on Philosophical Subjects (published posthumously 1795) Lectures on Jurisprudence (published posthumously 1776) Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres Frederick W. Taylor sometimes called â€Å"the father of scientific management.† He was one of the intellectual leaders of the Efficiency Movement and his ideas, broadly conceived, were highly influential in the Progressive Era. The Principles of Scientific Management, published in 1911. His approach is also often referred to, as Taylor’s Principles, or frequently disparagingly, as Taylorism. Taylor’s scientific management consisted of four principles: 1.Replace rule-of-thumb work methods with methods based on a scientific study of the tasks. 2.Scientifically select, train, and develop each employee rather than passively leaving them to train themselves. 3.Provide â€Å"Detailed instruction and supervision of each worker in the performance of that worker’s discrete task† (Montgomery 1997: 250). 4.Divide work nearly equally between managers and workers, so that the managers apply scientific management principles to planning the work and the workers actually perform the tasks Taylor’s contribution to organizational theory This required an organization theory similar for all practical purposes to that advocated by those organizational theorists who followed. These theorists developed principles of management, which included much of Taylor’s philosophy His framework for organization was: †¢clear delineation of authority †¢responsibility †¢separation of planning from operations †¢incentive schemes for workers †¢management by exception †¢task specialization Max Weber Bureaucratic Management Max Weber is best known as one of the leading scholars and founders of modern sociology, but Weber also accomplished much economic work in the style of the â€Å"youngest† German Historical School. Eliminate the human intervention during the business process. Weber’s bureaucratic management consisted of 6 principles: 1-Roles and regulation should be written. 2-Impersonality treatment. 3-Division of labor. 4-Hierarchical structure. 5- Authority structure. 6-Rationality. Henri Fayol Henri Fayol was one of the most influential contributors to modern concepts of management, having proposed that there are five primary functions of management: (1) Planning, (2) Organizing, (3) Commanding, (4) Coordinating, and (5) Controlling

Friday, January 3, 2020

Beyond the Cult of Fatherhood by David Osborne Free Essay Example, 1250 words

The author also felt that he could not get a free-hour for himself because most of his time was spent behind caressing his child the remaining time went on his work and his sleep. Hence he wondered if he could get a free day for himself. David did-not wants to lose his recognition so he decided to continue his work as well as parenting at the same time. In his entire story, David mentioned his concern towards his son regarding his health. David was worried about the fluctuation of body-temperature his son experienced every day. Most of the children at such a low age are vulnerable to infections and diseases and special attention and care are required for them. David also had a bitter experience, when he had to leave his son in a day-care center because he had to go outstation for his work. David felt bad and he was angry at himself when he learned that his son fell down and had stitches on his head. His wife Rose was stuck due to bad weather and his son had to face everything on his own. We will write a custom essay sample on Beyond the Cult of Fatherhood by David Osborne or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now David realized that the incident would not have happened if he would have been at home with his son. David had difficult times and felt pissed-off at times but his love for his son was always there. While the story progressed, David explained that his love for his son was immense and he could not imagine a moment without his son. David also realized that his wife had carried Nick in her for nine months and had suffered through labor. Moreover, his wife took care of their child completely until she joined her work again. Hence, the author understood the circumstances he was in and he started liking the time he had to spend with Nick. The author also described the moments he spent with his wife and son together. He noticed that whenever Rose is at a public place, her only concern becomes a family discipline. The author gave a small example to prove readers, what he felt about it. The author narrated about the experience he had while sitting in Burger King. Suddenly his son started to scream like other children and he wanted to pamper him so that the child could stop crying.